Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
1 & 2 Kings with Terry Feix
Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
1 & 2 Kings tells the story of the fall of Israel and Judah from the heights of the reign of Solomon and the dedication of the temple to the destruction of the temple and the exile. Unlike the end of 2 Samuel which spells doom for Israel, 2 Kings ends with a glimmer of hope and a preview of resurrection.
Tuesday Aug 25, 2020
1 & 2 Samuel with Terry Feix
Tuesday Aug 25, 2020
Tuesday Aug 25, 2020
In the Hebrew Bible, 1 & 2 Samuel and 1 & 2 Kings are one section, telling the story of the Kings of Israel from the time of the judges through the exile. In this episode, we talk about how to read biblical narratives and discuss the stories of Samuel, Saul, and David.
Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
August Q&A with Terry Feix
Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
This week we're answering questions from listeners:
How can pastors be held accountable when they don't know everyone in the church? (1:10)
Should the story of the woman caught in adultery be in the Bible? (18:00)
How should Christians engage in politics and legislation? (33:55)
What books do you recommend for learning more about theology? (47:40)
What books are you reading that you recommend? (54:45)
If you have a question email us at Info@sowespeak.com
Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
Haggai with Terry Feix
Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
Haggai is one of those rare prophets who saw his words come true in his own lifetime. He prophesied after the exile in a situation a lot like ours. In this episode, we discuss Haggai's prophesies and his relevance for today.
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
2 Peter with Terry Feix
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
2 Peter is the apostle Peter's last letter and his last reminder to the churches in Asia. Although they were likely facing physical persecution, Peter reminds them of something even more important. His final letter reminds us of the threat of false teaching, the importance of holiness, and the astonishing gifts we have been given in Christ.
Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
Proverbs with Terry Feix
Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
The book of Proverbs is a compendium of wisdom begun by Solomon and finished by the men of Judah during Hezekiah's reign. How should Christians read this book? Proverbs paints a picture of the world in the kingdom of God and our role in it.
Article: "The Gospel in Work Clothes: How to Read the Book of Proverbs"
Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
Jonah with Terry Feix
Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
The book of Jonah can easily be relegated as a children's story - or a parable with a moral at the end - but when we revisit the text, Jonah is full of application. Why was Jonah determined not to go to Nineveh? Why does the story end with a question? In this episode we talk through the message of the story and the meaning for today.
Tuesday Jul 07, 2020
Philemon with Terry Feix
Tuesday Jul 07, 2020
Tuesday Jul 07, 2020
Philemon is one of the shortest letters in the New Testament and one of the most important. It's often studied as a letter about slavery, but there is so much more in what Paul has to say to Philemon and Onesimus. What is reconciliation? How can we be peacemakers in the world? Paul presents a vision for reconciliation and peace rooted in the cross.
Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
2 Corinthians with Terry Feix
Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
2 Corinthians may be the most personal of Paul's letters. In it he's defending his apostleship, answering questions, and pleading with the church to continue in the gospel. In this episode, we discuss the background and outline of the letter along with the application for today.
Tuesday May 26, 2020
Missions in Mainland China
Tuesday May 26, 2020
Tuesday May 26, 2020
What's it like to do missions in China? What are house churches like? How is the church growing and thriving? In this episode, two missionaries with Cru working in China talk about their stories, the people they get to serve, the culture they love, and the work of the church.
If you'd like to support the ministry this couple is doing in China, click here. If you'd like to support their East Asian native partners, click here.